Hot Modulus of Rupture (HMOR)

Refractory Industry

VBCC's Hot Modulus of Rupture apparatus measures material strength at elevated temperatures, providing crucial data for high-temperature applications and structural analysis.

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  • VBCC sets the industry standard with its state-of-the-art Hot Modulus of Rupture (HMOR) apparatus, a cutting-edge solution for assessing the strength and resilience of materials under high-temperature conditions. Tailored for precision and reliability, this apparatus is an indispensable tool for industries such as metallurgy and ceramics, ensuring that materials meet the demands of real-world operating environments.
  • Key Features:
  • Temperature Precision: Our HMOR apparatus boasts a sophisticated temperature control system, allowing for precise heating of test specimens to simulate extreme operating conditions.

  • Robust Loading System: With an advanced loading system, VBCC ensures controlled force application during testing, facilitating accurate measurement of the modulus of rupture.

  • Secure Specimen Holder: The apparatus features a meticulously designed specimen holder or fixture, ensuring consistent and repeatable sample positioning for reliable test results.

  • Safety at the Forefront: Safety is paramount in high-temperature testing. VBCC's HMOR apparatus incorporates thermal insulation, protective barriers, and emergency shut-off systems for user protection.

  • Efficient Data Acquisition: Equipped with a sophisticated data acquisition system, our HMOR apparatus employs sensors, data loggers, and analysis software to provide accurate and insightful results.

  • Premium Construction: Constructed from high-quality materials capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, our apparatus reflects VBCC's commitment to durability and longevity.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Enjoy seamless operation with our user-friendly interface, featuring a touchscreen display or computer interface for convenient control and monitoring of testing parameters.

  • Compliance Assurance: Our HMOR apparatus adheres to industry standards and specifications, ensuring that test results are consistent, reliable, and compliant with relevant regulations.
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